Michael E. Sable
Assistant Superintendent
The Chartiers Valley School District, in compliance with Chapter 4 regulations, utilizes the approved Pennsylvania Department of Education standards as the foundation for all curriculum and instruction in the district.
Student academic achievement is measured by the use of the PSSA and Keystone assessments. The PSSA is a standardized assessment provided to all students in grades 3-8 in English Language Arts and Mathematics. Students in grades three and eight are also assessed using the Science PSSA.
The Keystone Exams are standardized tests that assess student knowledge in the subject areas of Algebra 1, Literature, and Biology. Students are assessed at the end of the course, and the results are used to determine student proficiency in each subject area.
Pennsylvania Common Core Standards
The Pennsylvania Core Standards for English Language Arts, Mathematics, and Science were approved by the Pennsylvania State Board of Education on March 1, 2014. Since the standards were approved, Chartiers Valley School District has been making ongoing updates to district curriculum to ensure that instruction is aligned to the expectations for learning that are set forth by the Pennsylvania Common Core Standards.
Pennsylvania Academic Standards
The Pennsylvania Academic Standards are used as a foundation for curriculum and instruction in the Arts and Humanities, Career Education and Work, Civics and Government, Economics, Family and Consumer Sciences, Environment and Ecology, Geography, Health, Safety, Physical Education, Technology, and History. Currently, the Pennsylvania Department of Education has not created a standardized assessment to evaluate student proficiency on the Pennsylvania Academic Standards. The Chartiers Valley School District evaluates student academic success by providing students with teacher-created assessments.