Title I/MTSS
Title I (often referred to as MTSS) is a program that is funded by the federal government. It ensures that our students “have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging state academic achievement standards and state academic assessments” (U.S. Department of Education, 2014).
Currently, Chartiers Valley Primary School provides Title I Reading Services. Students in kindergarten through second grade are provided Title I Reading Services.
Eligible students work with the Reading Specialist Teachers to improve reading. Reading focus areas include: Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Fluency, and Comprehension.
Identification and Student Progress:
The Reading Specialists identify students for support based upon screening assessments through Acadience Learning. Screening occurs up to three times a year for all students. The first assessment is given in the fall and then in the winter and finally in the spring. Students are screened in the following areas:
Letter naming fluency - The number of upper and lower case letters students name in one minute (letters are in a random order)
First sound fluency - Students identify the first sound in a given word in one minute
Phoneme segmentation fluency - Students identify the phonemes in a given word in one minute
Correct letter sounds - The number of correct sounds students can identify in nonsense words in one minute
Whole words read - The number of nonsense words students can read in one minute
1st Grade
Letter naming fluency - The number of upper and lower case letters students name in one minute (letters are in a random order)
Phoneme segmentation fluency - Students identify the phonemes in a given word in one minute
Correct letter sounds - The number of correct sounds students can identify in nonsense words in one minute
Whole words read - The number of nonsense words students can read in one minute
Oral reading fluency - The number of words read correctly by a student from a grade level passage in one minute
Retell - Passage Retell is intended to provide a comprehension check for the oral reading fluency assessment, and provides an indication that the student is reading for meaning
2nd Grade
Correct letter sounds - The number of correct sounds students can identify in nonsense words in one minute
Whole words read - The number of nonsense words students can read in one minute
Oral reading fluency - The number of words read correctly by a student from a grade level passage in one minute
Retell - Passage Retell is intended to provide a comprehension check for the oral reading fluency assessment, and provides an indication that the student is reading for meaning
Students who score below or well below on the Acadience Learning assessments are progress monitored. Progress monitoring occurs every other week. Progress monitoring is completed using the Acadience Learning programming.
Parents are encouraged to support the programming in various ways. Every night, parents can review spelling words, high frequency words, skills, and decodable passages. Parents have the availability to attend Open House and other parent and family engagement events. A great website for parents to utilize is Reading Rockets, which can be accessed by clicking here.
Please click here for the state standards that guide the district's curriculum and interventions.
Reading Specialist Contacts
Taryn Briggs; tbriggs@cvsd.net
Carlina D'Orazio; cdorazio@cvsd.net
Sue Weiss; sweiss@cvsd.net
Parent and Family Engagement
Parent and family engagement is a key component of a student’s education. To assist in this, various parent and family engagement activities will occur throughout the year. Parent and family engagement opportunities are held in conjunction with Federal Programs. More information about Parent and Family Engagement can be found in School Board Policy 918 on our district's website or by clicking here.
Please click here for Board Policy 918.1 on Parent and Family Engagement at the Primary School